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      Art has always been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I'm always doodling whenever I get a pen in my hand. I've always been drawing but this year I was able to take photography which opened up my eyes in a whole new way. I see the world from a completely different perspective, and I think that's the most beautiful part of art; when your whole perception of your surroundings is changed for the better.


       I had always been interested in photography and learning how to take better photos, but this year made me fall in love with it. There's something magical about being in the darkroom and watching the photos you took develop right in front of you. I enjoy film photography the most, because it forces you to think a lot and value every shot you take. I like taking pictures of people the most. Through the camera lens you can create various narratives and stories and open up new points of view. I am inspired by Richard Avedon and Annie Leibovitz's styles of photography. Since beginning high school I always intended to take photography but I never imagined it would make such an impact on me. I will definitely continue to photograph whenever I can. The skills I learned in photography will stay with me beyond the class.

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